lundi 7 juin 2010

The first General Assembly

Conviviality and sharing reigned at the first General Assembly of the association "ensemble, agissons", which was held on the 1st and the 2nd May in the Beaujolais region of France. During the first day, Daniel, Bernadette, Isabelle et Guy recounted their experience in the heart of the Project, last February, in this very poor and isolated region in the north of Karnataka. Backed up by photos, their underlined the difficulties met by the local populations that they witnessed: the lack of water and electricity, the extreme poverty, the insalubrities, the pollution, the discrimination between sexes, the arranged marriages, the separation of the castes, the weight of traditions, the damage caused by the floods.

"We have implemented an education and health programme with the Vimukti association, our partner locally, to carry out fundamental work with populations who have been forgotten by government programmes."

The two partnered associations have also drawn up a Charter specifying the modalities of child sponsorship. "We will be very attentive to a personalised follow-up between the sponsors and the children. The sponsorship must allow the children to develop within their families without creating supplementary discriminations and benefit indirectly to the entire community.